Featured Projects
Francisco Sa Carneiro Airport
Client: Mota-Engil / Soares da Costa
Arquitecture: ANA – Arq.º João Belo
Engineering: Tal Projecto
Weight: 9.000 t
Area: 70.000 sqm
Scope: Structural steelwork, aluminium composite panel, cladding, metalwork, point-fixed glass system, spider glass system, structural glass curtain wall and skylights.
Malaga Airport
Client: U.T.E. Ferrovial – Agroman y Sando
Weight: 6.000 t
Area: 251.000 sqm
Scope: The Málaga Airport is one of the best examples of Martifer’s creativity. Due to the live loads allowed on thes lab, it was not possible to use cranes to erect part of the roof structure. The solution was to use the airport’s columns as part of the erectoin equipment: using winches on top of each column, the roof structure was lifted and put in place.
Dublin Airport
Client: Dublin Airport Authorities
Architecture and Design: Pascall and Watson Architects (UK) + ARUP (UK) + Martifer (project design and build)
Supervision: MACE (UK)
Weight: 2500 t of structural work
Area: 35 000 sqm of Kalzip standing seam roof
35 000 sqm of Alucobond cladding system
9 000 sqm of glass facades
Scope: Structural steelwork, cladding and facades.
Arena Castelao Stadium
Client: Consórcio Castelão
Weght: 2.200 t
Area: 34 000 sqm of roof cladding (of which 28 000 sqm of Deck system with isolation and 6 000 sqm of transparent corrugated polycarbonate)
Scope: Fabrication, transportation and assembly of the roof structural steelwork, installation of the roof.
Birmingham New Street John Lewis
Owner: Network Rail
Client: Mace Group
Architecture: AZPML
Weight: 1 000 t of structural steelwork
360 t of skylight truss
Area: 70,000 sqm of structural steel façade and skylight, stainless steel cladding, aluminum composite panel cladding and anti-blast curtain wall
6,000 sqm of unitized curtain wall with windows
Scope: Structural steelwork, cladding and facades.
ITER - International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor
Project: On going
Client: VFR (Vinci, Ferrovial, Razel Bec)/F4E
Weight: 6.950t
Area: 3.312 sqm and 4.000 lin.m
Scope: Buildings 13, 17 and 61:
Connections project, production and assembly of steel structure
Buildings 14 and 74:
Supply of 7,000 built-in plates
Building 13:
Assembly of the roof (heavy lift technique), grating, safety guards and cat ladders
Ewstadio de La Paix
Client: Mota Engil Côte d’Ivoire
Design: Quadrante
Area: 25.000 sqm
Scope: Martifer Metallic Constructions is responsible for the design and construction of the stadium’s roof (metallic structure and cladding), a refurbishment that will increase the stadium’s capacity from 25,000 to 40,000 seats.
The solution developed by Martifer for the roof passes through a set of 52 cantilever trusses, with about 40 meters, connected from the outside to the new reinforced concrete pillars through arms, with about 10 meters and tension rods, with about 22 meters .
The total coverage area is about 25,000 sqm.
West End Gate
Client: Berkeley Homes
Architecture: Squire & Partners
Area: 24,300 sqm
Scope: With a total area of 24,300 sqm, the works include the production and assembly of: 12,550 sqm of unitised facade of which 7,800 sqm with GRC (Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete) cladding, 2,160 sqm of window frames and 6,200 sqm of lacquered aluminium sheet coatings for the balconies (walls and ceilings), 4,350 sqm of SFS ((Secondary Frame System), 1,850 sqm of waterproofing / pavements on the balconies. For the roof, the works consist of 1,295 sqm of waterproofing / floorings and the production and assembly of 223 sqm of Z shaped aluminium grids.
Gare de Mons
Project: Ongoing
Client: Eurogare
Developer: SNCB – Société Nationale des Chemins de fer Belges
Architecture: Santiago Calatrava
Weight: 3,000 t + 600 t of metallic structure
Scope: The works include the supply and assembly of approximately 3,000 tonnes of metallic structure, the assembly of 600 tonnes of structure previously produced and stored on-site, as well as other work associated with the dismantling of temporary structures.
Client: Douro Azul
Project: CMT Engineering Ldt. Ship Design
Length overall extreme: 79.50 m
Lenght BP: 72.90 m
Breadth MLD: 11.00 m
Breadth EXT: 11.40 m
Depth MLD: 3.30 m
Draught max. (Design slwl): 1.80 m
Draught min. (Operational): 1.60 m
Capacity: Passengers – 65 cabins
Crew – 12 cabins
Francisco Sa Carneiro Airport
Client: Mota-Engil / Soares da Costa
Arquitecture: ANA – Arq.º João Belo
Engineering: Tal Projecto
Weight: 9.000 t
Area: 70.000 sqm
Scope: Structural steelwork, aluminium composite panel, cladding, metalwork, point-fixed glass system, spider glass system, structural glass curtain wall and skylights.
Malaga Airport
Client: U.T.E. Ferrovial – Agroman y Sando
Weight: 6.000 t
Area: 251.000 sqm
Scope: The Málaga Airport is one of the best examples of Martifer’s creativity. Due to the live loads allowed on thes lab, it was not possible to use cranes to erect part of the roof structure. The solution was to use the airport’s columns as part of the erectoin equipment: using winches on top of each column, the roof structure was lifted and put in place.
Dublin Airport
Client: Dublin Airport Authorities
Architecture and Design: Pascall and Watson Architects (UK) + ARUP (UK) + Martifer (project design and build)
Supervision: MACE (UK)
Weight: 2500 t of structural work
Area: 35 000 sqm of Kalzip standing seam roof
35 000 sqm of Alucobond cladding system
9 000 sqm of glass facades
Scope: Structural steelwork, cladding and facades.
Arena Castelao Stadium
Client: Consórcio Castelão
Weght: 2.200 t
Area: 34 000 sqm of roof cladding (of which 28 000 sqm of Deck system with isolation and 6 000 sqm of transparent corrugated polycarbonate)
Scope: Fabrication, transportation and assembly of the roof structural steelwork, installation of the roof.
Birmingham New Street John Lewis
Owner: Network Rail
Client: Mace Group
Architecture: AZPML
Weight: 1 000 t of structural steelwork
360 t of skylight truss
Area: 70,000 sqm of structural steel façade and skylight, stainless steel cladding, aluminum composite panel cladding and anti-blast curtain wall
6,000 sqm of unitized curtain wall with windows
Scope: Structural steelwork, cladding and facades.
ITER - International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor
Project: On going
Client: VFR (Vinci, Ferrovial, Razel Bec)/F4E
Weight: 6.950t
Area: 3.312 sqm and 4.000 lin.m
Scope: Buildings 13, 17 and 61:
Connections project, production and assembly of steel structure
Buildings 14 and 74:
Supply of 7,000 built-in plates
Building 13:
Assembly of the roof (heavy lift technique), grating, safety guards and cat ladders
Ewstadio de La Paix
Client: Mota Engil Côte d’Ivoire
Design: Quadrante
Area: 25.000 sqm
Scope: Martifer Metallic Constructions is responsible for the design and construction of the stadium’s roof (metallic structure and cladding), a refurbishment that will increase the stadium’s capacity from 25,000 to 40,000 seats.
The solution developed by Martifer for the roof passes through a set of 52 cantilever trusses, with about 40 meters, connected from the outside to the new reinforced concrete pillars through arms, with about 10 meters and tension rods, with about 22 meters .
The total coverage area is about 25,000 sqm.
West End Gate
Client: Berkeley Homes
Architecture: Squire & Partners
Area: 24,300 sqm
Scope: With a total area of 24,300 sqm, the works include the production and assembly of: 12,550 sqm of unitised facade of which 7,800 sqm with GRC (Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete) cladding, 2,160 sqm of window frames and 6,200 sqm of lacquered aluminium sheet coatings for the balconies (walls and ceilings), 4,350 sqm of SFS ((Secondary Frame System), 1,850 sqm of waterproofing / pavements on the balconies. For the roof, the works consist of 1,295 sqm of waterproofing / floorings and the production and assembly of 223 sqm of Z shaped aluminium grids.
Gare de Mons
Project: Ongoing
Client: Eurogare
Developer: SNCB – Société Nationale des Chemins de fer Belges
Architecture: Santiago Calatrava
Weight: 3,000 t + 600 t of metallic structure
Scope: The works include the supply and assembly of approximately 3,000 tonnes of metallic structure, the assembly of 600 tonnes of structure previously produced and stored on-site, as well as other work associated with the dismantling of temporary structures.
Client: Douro Azul
Project: CMT Engineering Ldt. Ship Design
Length overall extreme: 79.50 m
Lenght BP: 72.90 m
Breadth MLD: 11.00 m
Breadth EXT: 11.40 m
Depth MLD: 3.30 m
Draught max. (Design slwl): 1.80 m
Draught min. (Operational): 1.60 m
Capacity: Passengers – 65 cabins
Crew – 12 cabins